Jordi Boto has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) since April 2022, having pre- viously been the company’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) from 2020. Boto is responsible for overseeing EFW’s strategy and growth. Born in Barcelona, Spain in 1969, Boto started his career in the Spanish army, serving first as an engineer and then as a helicopter pilot where he spent time in both the United States and in the former Yugoslavia. His corporate career began when he joined Siemens in Germany. A subsequent move to DaimlerChrysler Aero- space saw the company become part of the EADS which, in turn, became part of Airbus. As the CEO of EADS ATR he oversaw production ramp-up per year grow from 6 to 58 aircraft. Moving then to Head the Power 8 program, and responsible for restoring Airbus’s financial and operational health following issues caused by the development of the A380 and A400M, Boto helped pave the way for Airbus to have the means to launch the A350 program, in so doing generating more than 5 billion Euro savings per year. PFW Aerospace Speyer, Boto completely turned around the fortunes of the company that was in a financially critical situation when he joined and successfully saw the oversaw the sale of the company to Total/Hutchinson in 2019.
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